• (02) 5999 0029
  • 136 Crowley St, Temora NSW 2666


Get in Touch

If you have any inquiries or would like to make a table reservation or accommodation booking please give us a call. Hotel opening hours are Tuesday to Sunday, 11am to 10pm.

  • (02) 5999 0029

  • info@terminushoteltemora.com.au
  • 136 Crowley St, Temora NSW 2666.
  • www.terminushoteltemora.com.au

Address & Map

You’ve found it at 'The Termo'!

Phone: (02) 5999 0029

You’ve just found Temora’s Best Pub, with the Best Beer, Wine & Spirits! The Best of Country Food and the Friendliest Staff. You’ve found it at The Termo!

More about us

Hotel Trading Hours

Tuesday to Sunday, 11am to 10pm

Bistro Trading Hours

Lunch: 12pm to 2pm every day except Monday.

Dinner: 6pm to 8pm every day except Monday.


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